ISACA Karachi Chapter is non-profit organization that was formed (Established in 1997) with a view to provide a centralized forum for CISA and CISM professionals across the country to share experiences, communicate ideas, and assist each other towards career progression and professional growth. Since beginning, the Karachi chapter has been involved in a variety of activities targeted towards enhancing the professional skill sets of the members, and spreading awareness about the requirements of information system audits and security in Pakistan’s corporate markets. Being the only ISACA recognized chapter in Pakistan till recently, the Karachi chapter was tasked with fulfilling training and development requirements of members, managing memberships, and increasing awareness about the needs of implementing IT security and conducting IS audits in Pakistani industry. In addition, the ISACA Karachi chapter liaisons with educational institutes and universities across Pakistan to ensure that our fresh graduates and future leaders know the importance of information risk management in the contemporary world.
The Chapter’s core objective is to address information risks, audit, governance and security related queries of ISACA members, to provide a place where members can directly communicate with each other through various forums that will be developed soon, and to keep our members updated with recent research and innovations in the industry across the globe.
Review Courses & Trainings
ISACA Karachi Chapter is the only accredited body, authorized by ISACA to conduct the Official Review Courses in Karachi. These courses are delivered by highly experienced, qualified & certified faculty.
The Chapter also conducts workshops, seminars and presentation in routine, to ensure that our IS Audit community is kept abreast with latest happenings in other chapters and around the world. These workshops, seminars and presentations are not only beneficial for Chapter members, non-members, candidates appears in CISA, CISM, CGEIT & CRISC exams, but also beneficial for CIOs, CISOs, IT Auditors, IT Services Managers, Project Managers, Financial & Operational Auditors & Security Professionals.
The purpose of this website is to address information risks, audit and security related queries of ISACA members, to provide a place where members can directly communicate with each other through various forums that will be developed soon, and to keep our members updated with recent research and innovations in the industry across the globe. This would ensure that our IS Audit community is kept abreast with latest happenings in other chapters and around the world. We require your comments and feedback on how we can serve you better. Please feel free to drop and email to publications@isacakarachi.org to let us know how you feel about this website and what else should we do to ensure that our chapter stands out in the world.

Chapter Bylaws
The operations of the ISACA Karachi Chapter are governed under its Bylaws.

ISACA has recognized Karachi Chapter for its valuable contributions sereval times.

Financial Statements
The Chapter financial statements for the current and past years are available for review.