Get CISA Certified – Join our Review Course

ISACA Karachi in collaboration with Karachi Institute of Economics & Technology (KIET) is organizing an in-depth CISA Review Course. Classes will start from August 03, 2024.

  • Starting from: Saturday, August 03, 2024
  • Time: 09:30 AM05:00 PM (Pakistan)

  • Expert lectures and group discussions
  • Covers key points from the latest CISA Review Manuals
  • Exam practice and debriefs
  • IS/IT Auditors
  • Non-IT Auditors
  • Security Professionals
  • IS/IT Consultants
  • IT Graduates with 3-5 years of experience seeking career switch
  • Auditing Information Systems
  • Governance and Management of IT
  • Protection of Information Assets
  • Information Systems Operations and Business Resilience
  • ISACA Accredited Trainers, led by Mr. Hussein Hassanali (President ISACA Karachi Chapter) & Mr. Naushad Siddiqui (CISA Chair); and
  • Experienced Industry Professionals in IT, Audit, Security, and Risk.

  • Per Participant: PKR 60,000
  • 10% Early Bird Discount till July 22, 2024
  • 10% Discount for ISACA Members
  • 10% Discount for 02 or more from the same organization
  • 50% Discount for KIET’s Faculty and Students

  • Course Starting from August 03, 2024
  • Last Date of Registration August 01, 2024

ISACA Karachi in collaboration with Karachi Institute of Economics & Technology (KIET)

For our upcoming members’ events, seminars, workshops, and review courses etc like our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter.

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